The fifth anniversary International Cheerleading festival “BRIGHT!MAY!YOURS!” will take place in Anapa, village Vityazevo from April 29 to May 6. The site of the festival is Sports and recreation complex “VoleyGrad”
The Festival is held by Interregional Public Sports Organization «South Russia Сheerleading Federation», which aims to promote a healthy lifestyle, popularization of cheerleading as a sport and cohesion of athletes in the framework of competitions.
Every time more and more athletes take part in the International festival. In 2020, at least 3,500 athletes, their parents and fans are expected. These are representatives of various regions of Russia, as well as countries of near and far abroad (South Korea, China, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Finland, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Mongolia, the Abkhazian Republic, the Luhansk Republic).
An extensive competition program is planned within the framework of the festival. For the first time “Bright! May! Yours!” will become a platform for International competitions in sports majorettes!
In addition, the international “Stunt-fest” and “Double-Fest” will be held. Competition among family teams firmly entered into the program. After all “Bright! May! Yours!” is a festival where every family member can feel like a cheerleader! There will also be competitions among the national teams of counselors of children’s health camps.
Special Olympics Cheerleading competitions became traditional. This movement has been around for more than 50 years. It changes the lives of people with intellectual disabilities for the better. As part of the Special Olympics competitions for people with special needs are held in many sports and cheerleading is one of them. Athletes with special health problems will be able to participate in the International competition “Para Cheer”.
The main awards for the athletes will be trips to the “Artek”, “Smena” and “Ocean” for participation in the project “Be brighter – live in cheer”. This project allows children not only to visit the best National and International children’s centers, but also to improve their skills under the guidance of leading coaches.
All participants of the festival will be awarded with commemorative medals and certificates, winners will receive medals, cups, diplomas. And the best athletes in some disciplines will receive a cash prize!
The festival will include not only competitions, but also a rich cultural program. “Bright! May! Yours!”- an event during which each participant reveals all facets of their capabilities – from sports to creative and intellectual.
Master classes in cheerleading for participants will be held by famous Russian and foreign coaches.
The participation of famous Russian actors of theater and cinema is planned.
The second year in the framework of the cultural and entertainment program of the festival there will be the most fun game of all time – “Club of Fun and Resourceful”! As the experience of 2019 has shown, the athletes are interested in the humorous direction. The game received many positive reviews.
International cheerleading festival “Bright! May! Yours!” is always bright feelings, warm may meetings and only victory!